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HCO Animal Welfare Statement

HCO holds animal welfare in high esteem; this is consistent with the teachings of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Hadith. We operate a zero tolerance approach to any form of avoidable suffering or distress to animals destined for the halal food chain. We pride ourselves as a Halal certification body with trained veterinarians and animal welfare scientists who have technical expertise to detect any lapses in animal welfare before and during Halal slaughter. The HCO works with Food Business Operators (FBOs) to identify and highlight any critical stages in pre-slaughter handling, restraint and slaughter of animals in order to conduct risk assessment aimed at eliminating all forms of avoidable pain and distress to animals destined to the halal food chain.

HCO has a comprehensive animal welfare standard, all HCO certified abattoirs must operate in accordance with this standard in order to protect animal welfare during Halal slaughter.


HCO, in association with FBO identifies animal handlers and slaughterers who require training in animal handling and slaughter techniques, this training is delivered by HCO’s technical staff.


In addition, HCO regularly organises courses to cover the following areas :

  • Requirements of European Council Regulation, EC1099/2009

  • Relevant domestic regulations (e.g. WATOK 2015 in England)

  • Animal handling and restraint

  • The science of slaughter and death

  • Food safety and HACCP



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